Own Your Worth
This podcast is for those who want to stop feeling stuck, let go of their limits, and live empowered. It’s time to Own Your Worth! I’m your host, Emily Louis. Here I discuss new perspectives, introduce inspiring and thought-provoking guests, and remind you of the power you were created with!
Don't stay stuck in surviving, be empowered to thrive!
Connect with me: https://instagram.com/emilyklouis
Application to work with me: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1lq-KagZ7y-Y6iTYUT-ZH5MTTkKolzwPVTbCYkt0ibyA/prefill
Own Your Worth
Why Do We Think Things Have to Be Hard?
Emily Louis
04 - Why do we overcomplicate things or resist ease and flow?
A lot of us have deep-seated beliefs that good things only come if fought for and worked HARD for. This results in us being skeptical of things being too easy.